Rachael Ruth Holistic

Bereavement Counselling for all

I have lost enough pets to know the heartache and grief it can bring. It is like losing a child. I lost 2 pets suddenly as a teenager and I did not get over it easily. It took me years to come to terms with pet loss. This is Gracie and her senior years taught me how to overcome all my personal issues so that I could give her the best end of life that I could. She had a fantastic time. For years I pushed her in a pram or pulled her on the bike trailer so her joints lasted longer. It worked. She is over 13 and still wears a huge smile every day. You may have been a carer to your beloved pet for a long time and then suddenly they have gone and you have nothing to fill the days. I trained in bereavement to help me cope better with the loss. There are tools we can use to occupy ourselves, prepare and move on or even cope with the trauma if it was sudden and unexpected. It is important not to rush in and replace a pet too soon – you can end up disliking your new pet unconsciously because they simply cannot replace what you have lost. Likewise, it can be equally hard to move on and open yourself up to the pain (and the love) that a new pet will bring. I offer counselling sessions along with Pranic Healing to remove grief and comfort the heart and give your strength at this difficult time. It will aid sleep and help you to move forward quicker and healthier.