Rachael Ruth Holistic

Pranic for Both of You

Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested non touch complementary therapy. It is used to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments. This system can enhance any area of your life. It is highly systematic and scientific in its approach, which distinguishes it from other healing therapies. Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system that works on the principal that the body is a self healing organism. It is an incredible technological breakthrough in the science of healing.
Many professionals including the medical profession, psychologists, therapists, families and business professionals are now utilizing Pranic Healing alongside orthodox medicine to help enhance every area of their lives.

It is often best to heal you both together – we are closely connected to our animals – and feed off each other energetically. I often have stress or grief healing for myself when I am working on one of my companions. Otherwise I spend time removing her stress only for her to absorb mine each day. Life is not meant to be easy, it is there to help us grow, so we always need to spend the time focusing on our well-being before it becomes Dis-ease…

What Pranic Can do: for detailed info see Pranic for people and Pranic for animals. Even if you are skeptical the body is healing regardless – even if just a scab – there is a mechanism happening with the body all the time as cells are replaced, skin is shed etc. Physical – Psychological – Emotional. 

We are very connected to our animals. They pick up on our stress and anxiety. If you shout, a sensitive dog will run and hide or curl up in to a tight ball. Even when you are not shouting at them. If your horse is anxious, it might be coming from your own worries that you just cannot hide well enough. Animals are telepathic – they can read you inside and out even if you cannot read them. In some circumstances, if you look after yourself then your companion will also improve. Or vice a versa. A hyperactive puppy can be as draining as a young child so when they calm down you feel better. In many cases it is best to work on you both at the same time, for example, if you are both struggling with the grief of loss together or stress or aggressive member in the household. Everyone is different and needs different things, our animal companions are exactly the same. What works for one will not work for the other. I can help you find a good package to help you both or just both have Pranic Healing sessions together. Whatever life challenges you with can be greatly reduced when your chakras and energy are balanced. Just removing negative energies makes you feel better. Note: some Protocols take half an hour or longer for animals so I often do some distant healing to avoid the animal being put out, and your time as the owner, and because it is better not to be in the same room as the animal and not work directly on them because their chakras are so small and fragile. Even when I am with the animal – especially small animals – I will work indirectly on them to protect their tiny chakras from my crystal.