Rachael Ruth Holistic

End Of Life Care

I was always a massive animal lover and have sobbed my heart out too many times when I have lost a beloved hamster or cat or dog. For many, it is like losing a child. Your life completely changes as you may become a carer before the time comes. I needed to get better at this part of animal care since I went through it so often. I did senior pet care courses, bereavement councelling and have learned much about end of life plans. I also approach it very spiritually. Gracie, my labrador, and Mishka, my Huskie, have been with me in many life times. Mishka was with me in my last one. The three of us have been very close to each other for many lives. They are my spirit guides. They are very special and Mishka is a natural healer. Chris Day, the UK’s genius homeopathic vet, is a legend to me. He has, over the year, completely transformed my life with Gracie. Between them my entire belief system, career and life focus have altered, dramatically.  He is a LEGEND. More than that, he is the most beautiful soul I have ever met. When I first went to him it was with an arrogant attitude, against homeopathy, thinking it a bit mumbo-jumbo and yet full of desperation because all other vets could help me no more with Gracie. I had zero respect for herbs and homeopathy medicine and I prided myself on being a logical IT geek who didn’t believe in strange things. I was very cynical at first. Which shocks me today because how he tolerated me is amazing. But he always put the animals first. If I was an ignorant and narrow minded owner he would tolerate me in order to help my animals. Other vets assured me that Gracie would not last to age 10. For labradors 10-12 is normal and very few get older nowadays… This picture means so much to me. Gracie and Chris led me down a path I never would have believed. They transformed me into a focused and conscious healer. Gracie has had arthritis, cancer, heart murmurs, dysplasia, skin issues. Some gone, reduced or eased. There are many ways that you can make the final years of a beloved pets life very special. There are things you can do to help them like where water is positioned and how to stimulate their minds to keep them happier when they cannot move about much. There are many ways to help remove the grief and stresses that you will both share as you prepare to say goodbye. I know that grief starts earlier than when they pass away and it is hard to be there for them when you are emotionally struggling. There are tools for you and tools for pet to make this time beautiful, easier and precious. Gracie’s tumours shrank and her heart murmur also went, confirmed with scans by vets. Energy healing, herbs, powders, essential oils etc all help reduce inflammation and pain naturally. If I had given Gracie metacam or similar pain killers for so many years she would have died from organ related problems from long term use of strong medicine. I don’t think she will reach 14 but we had a very special celebration for her 13th and I still get the occasional visit from pets that have passed.

There are ways we can tailor a package to your individual needs and work along vets, physios and your personal preferences. The types of essential oils an animal selects changes as they age and when they are close to going they will favor certain oils. It differs between each individual. As a bereavement coach I have learned how to use tools to help the owner and the pet handle this very difficult time. Things you can both do that doesn’t need to cost money. Pranic healing allows me to go in to your chakras and remove grief and anxiety and trauma – both of you are strongly connected and energetically feed off each other. It is possible to remove the pain and turn this time into a very special journey. If you have to make that very awful decision to euthanize your pet there are ways to make it easier and enable you to overcome the loss and gaps that it leaves. From experience I know that our beloved pets never leave us immediately. The last cat I lost stayed sitting near me for 9 months. Dogs do not tend to ‘hang around’ as long but they do stay to help us. Just sadly, we are not as connected to the energetic world as much as we are the form world and sometimes just cannot know this. Animals come to serve and help us in many ways. As an animal intuitive I am sent advanced souls with certain abilities. A recent collie, aged 15, was rushed to a vet with seizures. The vet couldn’t help, diagnosed bells palsy, and suggested euthanasia. Someone who knew of me suggested she contact me. I started healing her Collie who made a good recovery. I also received some messages from her girl and was able to inform the owner that the time was nearing, and her girl did not want to suddenly leave and give her time to adjust to the loss. I was also told that she has a dog pram and she wanted her owner to take her to a special place that they walk to. I was able to explain the area to the owner. I mentioned some sort of special tree with a bench near it. The owner knew where this was and had been giving her girl just short 5-10 min walks due to her illness and what she wanted was to sit with her by this tree and be outside. We have never met and didn’t know each other and several weeks later she is still doing well.