Rachael Ruth Holistic

Specialized Treatments

Want to focus on a particular area of focus rather than the traditional full treatment? There are ways we can combine treatments to bring out the best solution for each area. The following shows the areas focused on using  a combination of reflexology, aromatherapy oils, massage and Pranic healing for the area specific. A combination that will help ease discomfort in the key areas. In a lunch break rush? Pranic Healing can be done remotely while you are back at your desk so that part can be done after the appointment while you are working making the in-house appointment just 30 minutes. 



Stress & Anxiety


Using reflexology with aromatherapy abdominal massage and Pranic Healing to  support the digestive system.

£55.00 60 minutes 

Using reflexology and Pranic Healing to support fertility for men and women, pregnancy support and post pregnancy support.

£55.00 60 minutes

Using reflexology OR aromatherapy with Pranic Healing to help relieve stress and anxiety.

£55.00 60 minutes

£65.00 for 90 minutes for all 3

Using reflexology and Aromatherapy lymphatic Massage techniques to the legs and arms to support the movement of fluid and the immune system.

£55.00 60 minutes

£65.00 for 90 minutes to add Pranic Healing Immune Boost




Young Adult Short

Using reflexology with aromatherapy pressure point massage techniques focusing on the release of muscular tension.

£55.00 60 minutes


Using reflexology with aromatherapy spine therapy massage and vagus nerve support.

£55.00 60 minutes


Using reflexology with aromatherapy massage to  support the pain and discomfort associated with bones and joints.

£55.00 60 minutes

£65.00 for 90 minutes with Pranic Healing

Designed for the younger client, a short treatment of reflexology and Pranic healing; ideal for exam stress, headaches, insomnia, hormone imbalance, skin conditions, digestion problems and sinus relief. 

£28.00 for 30 minutes