Rachael Ruth Holistic

Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested non touch complementary therapy. It is used to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments. This system can enhance any area of your life. It is highly systematic and scientific in its approach, which distinguishes it from other healing therapies. Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system that works on the principal that the body is a self healing organism. It is an incredible technological breakthrough in the science of healing.
Many professionals including the medical profession, psychologists, therapists, families and business professionals are now utilizing Pranic Healing alongside orthodox medicine to help enhance every area of their lives.

What Pranic Can do: the following list is only an example of the things Pranic can help with. Even if you are sceptical your body is healing regardless – even if just a scab – there is a mechanism happening with your body all the time as cells are replaced, skin is shed etc. Physical – Psychological – Emotional: 

Migrane – Back Pain – Hypertension – Digestive Issues – Respiratory Ailments – Heart Conditions – Low Energy – Stress – Anxiety – Depression – Grief – Phobia – Addiction – Motivation – Self – Esteem – Trauma – Life Coaching and Change – Fertility – Endometriosis – PCOS – MS – ME – Dysplasia – Arthritis – Fatigue – Insomnia – Grief – Aches – Pain

I am a Reiki Master too and prefer to use Pranic because it has astounded me with how effective it is. I often found that Reiki could make chakra blockages worse and what I adore about Pranic is that it focuses on healer hygiene and removed dirty and blocked energies and cleans organs before energizing. It is scientific and based on protocols. When I use Reiki healing I put energy in to the body and, as with all Reiki training, the energy ‘goes where it needs to go’ by itself. With Pranic we work on specific organs and chakras in specific order with certain colors depending on what the ailment it. One day on a course I was paired up with a doctor from a Hospital in London and we were cleaning out the valves in each others heart. We could feel it even though we were not touching each other! Pranic wowed me from the first day I found it. 

When I was 19 I started to have weeks where I could not stand up and had to lie in agony the entire week. By the time I was 28 it was unbearable and impacting my career and personal life hugely. Orthopedic doctors gave me an epidural, yanked me back in to place, and caused nerve damage. They wanted to then put a metal plate in my spine and I’d have been disabled from age 28. It did not feel right and not where I wanted to go. This is when I turned to the holistic route. I had actually been mis-diagnosed. The slipped disks were not the cause of my issues and only a symptom. It was not until I was 30 when they finally diagnosed me properly with sciatica endometriosis, polycystic ovaries,  IBS, slipped disks, plantar fasciitis, neuritis and eventually RSI (working in IT). Most just knock on effects from the endometriosis cells on my lower spine. It would take me 2 hours in the morning to get out of bed and stand upright. The pain ground me down and those who suffer chronic pain know how it changes you. Endometriosis is known as a lonely disease. People with it are grumpy, moody, fed up and don’t want to be around anyone – and no one really enjoys their company either on the bad days.

Reiki had supported me for well over a decade and it was lovely. However, Pranic was a game changer. Within 2 months of Pranic, 26 years of agony vanished. My issues improved month on month and I was given a new lease of life. I want others to have that. While I lost years to a life of pain it was brilliant just to experience the sheer gratitude of life without it.

My daughter no longer suffers with UTI’s after a few UTI Protocol sessions. What else can Pranic help with? It doesn’t matter what you believe – energy will still be working with you every day of your life whether you acknowledge it or not. It impacts everything. I have seen some amazing results very fast using this highly evolved energy healing that humanity, in my humble opinion, were not ready for before now.